Recording and Reporting in grades 1-3, grades 4-6, and grade 7
The Foundation Phase
The national codes and descriptors provided below should be used for reporting and recording learner performance in the Foundation Phase and Intersen Phase.
In the Foundation Phase, recording and reporting learner performance should be against the four subjects offered: Home Language, First Additional Language, Mathematics, and Life Skills.
Pupils must achieve:
a) Adequate achievement (level 4) – (50% – 59%) in Home Language ( English)
b) Moderate achievement (level 3) – (40% – 49%) in First Additional Language (Afrikaans)
c) Moderate achievement (level 3) – (40% – 49%) in Mathematics
Where a learner needs more time to demonstrate achievement, decisions shall be made based on the advice of the relevant role-players: Teachers, Learners, Parents, District Education Support Services.
No learner should stay in a phase for longer than four years.
Progression requirements for grades 4-6
(Refer to the table above for the national codes and descriptors)
The following are the guidelines for determining a learner’s progression from grades 4–6 in the Intermediate Phase.
Pupils must achieve:
a) Complete 6 approved subjects for each grade from grade 4 -6
b) Adequate achievement (level 4) – (50% – 59%) in Home Language. ( English )
c) Moderate achievement (level 3) – (40% – 49%) in First Additional Language (Afrikaans)
d) Moderate achievement (level 3) – (40% – 49%) in Mathematics
e) Moderate achievement (level 3) — (40% –49%) in any other 2 remaining approved subjects
Progression requirements for grade 7
(Refer to the table above for the national codes and descriptors)
Learners in grades 7 -9 will be promoted to the next grade if they have complied with the promotion requirements in 8 of the 9 subjects offered, provided that the School Based Assessment component of the ninth subject has been completed. The final mark for a subject must be calculated as follows: 40% School Based Assessment and 60% end of year examination mark.
Pupils must achieve
a) Complete 9 approved subjects for each grade from grade 7 – 9
b) Adequate achievement (level 4) – (50% – 59%) in Home Language (English)
c) Moderate achievement (level 3) – (40% – 49%) in First Additional Language (Afrikaans)
d) Moderate achievement (level 3 ) – (40% – 49% ) in Mathematics
e) Moderate achievement (level 3) — (40% –49%) in any other 3 required subjects
f) At least an Elementary achievement (level 2) – (30% –39%) in any of the 2 other required subjects