We were so excited to welcome all of our learners back to school in August this year! But it was a challenge to ensure adequate spacing between each learner in the classrooms as required by Covid-19 protocols.

To ensure the safety of our learners and teachers, every learner would need their own single desk. This would cost an estimated R375,000!

Appeal to donors

Greenwood Primary prides itself on striving for excellence and ensuring our learners have everything they need to thrive. So we took up the challenge and launched our #DeskDrive. We appealed to businesses and individuals across Nelson Mandela Bay and beyond to donate towards the purchasing of new desks.

We were absolutely blown away by the generosity, especially in such economically challenging times. Thanks to the donors, we were able to purchase 670 new desks along with 160 new chairs.

While R142,737 is still outstanding, Greenwood hopes to raise the funds in the near future through more donations. (Please contact our office if you would like to contribute towards our #DeskDrive).

Passing on the kindness

Greenwood shared the kindness and generosity of donors with other schools in the area that lacked essential resources. The old double-desks were donated to three under-resourced schools including Tjaart van der Walt Primary School, Emfudweni Primary School, and Ndzondelelo Senior School.

Businesses that contributed towards the #DeskDrive include:

Thank you to all those who contributed towards our #DeskDrive!