Today we say farewell to two very special members of the GREENWOOD family
Mrs Kramer our grade 6 and 7 LSEN teacher has accepted a position at Happydale School and is transferring from Greenwood to Happydale. Mrs Kramer will be sorely missed by her class, their parents and her colleagues .
We thank Mrs Kramer for her 15 years of dedicated service to Greenwood and wish her everything of the best in her new position at Happydale School.
We also say goodbye to our Governing Body Chairperson. Mrs Long has been in the SGB chair for almost 6 years. We thank Mrs Long for her sacrificial service to our school and thank her for her enormous contribution that she has made to the betterment of our school during her tenure as Governing Body Chairperson.
Her strength of character and faith has been a shining light that has reminded us to keep believing in tomorrow. We are confident that the legacy that she leaves behind will continued by the incoming governing body chairperson.
Fiat Lux – Let your light shine